Executive Functioning

A set of thinking skills needed to plan, monitor and successfully execute goals / intentions.

What is executive functioning and why is it important?

Executive functions are the skills you use to manage everyday tasks like making plans, problem-solving and adapting to new situations. The three main executive functioning skills are flexible thinking, working memory and inhibitory control (including self-control).  Executive functioning is responsible for many skills, including: focus and task completion; organising, planning and prioritising, understanding different viewpoints; emotion regulation and being able to self-monitor.

How can an occupational therapist help?

Occupational Therapists can help people develop their cognitive (thinking) skills. They use tools to assess and understand underlying skills and look at task performance and participation. OT’s can support strategies to work with a person’s strengths while compensating for areas still developing. They may use external memory aids, visual aids (eg. using a visual timer for task management), initiation and motivation strategies.

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Assistive technology is a device or equipment to help you do the things you find difficult because of your disability.
Being able to understand difficult or uncomfortable feelings and feel regulated enough to manage them.
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