How to Reduce Back to School Stresses


It’s that time of the year where families are racing around to tick off all the back to school requirements for the kids, such as buying new shoes, uniforms, books pens and pencils.

Youthrive understands it can be an anxious time especially with the two week delay in some states, not only financially but also for children, parents and carers as kids as they wait to begin their new journey at school, whether that be starting prep or year twelve.

However, there are some simple steps families can take to start the year off on the right foot.

“Setting a weekday routine now will help to ensure kids are getting into the right mindset in preparation to go back to school and spend hours in a classroom concentrating,” Amy Turner, Youthrive Chief Operating Officer explained.

“We’re encouraging parents and carers to make sure their child is getting enough sleep each night and that they’re eating plenty of nutritious food as they get ready for the school year,” Mrs Turner said.

With Queensland schools now returning two weeks later than expected it provides an opportunity to set the routine now, including making lunches.

“Knowing what to put in your child’s lunchbox can be daunting so we recommend getting the kids to help start planning their school lunch boxes with you now so that they aren’t surprised and are more likely to eat and enjoy their food when school returns.”

The best tip for picky eaters would be to include four simple foods that your child is familiar with, especially if they have restricting food behaviours such as autism, ADHD or anxiety.

“Try to include four foods from the five core food groups – grains, fruit, vegetables, dairy and protein to give them variety. If your child doesn’t eat sandwiches that’s okay, you could create a deconstructed lunchbox instead,” Mrs Turner explained.

Youthrive is also encouraging parents and carers to reassure their children that schools are working hard to ensure they can return to the classroom as soon as possible.

“It’s important children understand that the delay at the start of the year is necessary to prevent further disruptions to their learning later in the term.”

We recommend taking these steps to provide comfort and alleviate any concerns when school does return:

  • Talk to your child about returning to school – listen to any of their concerns and acknowledge their feelings
  • Make sure you familiarise yourself and your child with the school drop off/pick up zones so everyone knows where to go at the appropriate times
  • Plan ahead of time to avoid rushing
  • Make sure your child knows how and where they can get help at school
  • Set up a school routine so everyone knows what to expect on school/week days – a visual schedule can be very helpful

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For Interview Opportunities, please contact Jess Mumme:

M: 0427 794 666
